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Young woman working at a grocery store

Kickstart Your Child’s Savings With a Roth IRA

With summer break here, many students are starting summer jobs. This is a great chance to teach them about saving and investing.
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Red and White dice with Net Worth on one side.

What Does the Dow’s All-Time High Mean for Me?

The Dow Jones hit 40,000! Despite inflation and high interest rates, strong consumer spending and rising household net worth are driving growth.
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Commercial Real Estate Buildings.

Don’t Lose Hope in Your Real Estate Investments

Higher interest rates, the shift to remote work, and the rise of e-commerce have all contributed to struggling commercial real estate values. But, history and bright spots in the market provide reasons for optimism.
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Oregon tax

Feeling the Bite from High Oregon Taxes? The Kicker May Help

Oregon taxpayers will receive the biggest "kicker" in state history, representing approximately 44 percent of the taxes paid in 2022. The largest return in history will come in handy for those living in Multnomah County, which has some of the highest tax rates in the nation.     
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Documents to collect for filing my 2023 tax return

What Documents Do I Need to Collect for Filing My 2023 Tax Return?

Whether you keep everything in a shoebox or online, ensuring you have everything you need to file your taxes is a big task. Let this handy guide help you get organized.
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Portland's Ice Storm: Lessons Learned and Preparation for Next Time

Portland’s Ice Storm: Lessons Learned and Preparation for Next Time

Both our respective neighborhoods were hit pretty badly by the recent snowpocalypse. Fresh off the experience, we developed a checklist to help the next time a bad winter storm blows Portland's way. 
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